Industry Trends

AI instead of a Truck Driver — Threatening Future or Just a Dream?

As technology continues to evolve at an incredible pace, the future of work is becoming heavily reliant on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. The trucking industry has not been immune to these advances, and there are projections that jobs for truck drivers will be replaced by AI in the near future. This development has generated concern and apprehension among truck drivers across the globe. This article will explore the possibility of AI replacing truck drivers, its potential impact on the trucking industry, and what truck drivers can expect in the coming years.

The increasing investment in autonomous vehicle technology indicates that the trucking industry will follow the trend towards more automation. There are two types of autonomous trucks in the works: those that require a human driver for some tasks and completely driverless trucks. The fully automated trucks are still in early developmental stages, and significant improvements are needed before the industry adopts them on a large scale.

The ongoing testing of autonomous technology has led to reduced human errors and increased efficiency in fuel consumption. Companies such as Daimler, Volvo, Tesla, and start-ups such as Starsky Robotics and Embark are at the forefront of developing and testing autonomous trucks. Although these vehicles will significantly reduce the cost of transportation, the technology needs more time for testing and overall safety measures for the industry to welcome it with open arms.

The potential adoption of AI technology in the trucking industry will disrupt the livelihoods of millions of truck drivers worldwide. Even with the ongoing driver shortage, truck drivers could still lose their jobs to automation. The American Trucking Association forecasts that the total income from the trucking industry will rise by 67% by 2026. This development indicates that fleet owners are making significant investments in digitizing their operations, which could affect jobs for truck drivers in the future.

However, there is not likely to be a massive job loss overnight due to the high investment costs of automation technology. Hence, many truckers might still have an opportunity to continue driving even after the introduction of AI in the industry. Drivers with experience in other trucking-related areas could also benefit from technological changes and find employment in them. It’s also essential to note that while AI could replace truck drivers’ jobs, it cannot replace the human aspect of the truck driving job – a critical element that provides human connection to the transportation sector.


It is undeniable that AI will eventually be part of the trucking industry's future, and truck drivers will have to adapt to keep earning. However, the mass adoption of autonomous trucks would be a gradual process that would result in employment losses at a slow and steady rate. It is important to remember that while some jobs might be lost, newer and higher-paying jobs will emerge in the industry for people with specific technological skills. Truck drivers should also continue to upgrade their skills and knowledge to remain competitive in the technological era. Therefore, instead of becoming complacent and resistant to evolving technology, truck drivers should equip themselves with new expertise to fit into the industry's future.