Life Hacks

Protecting Your Cargo: Understanding the Soaring Incidence of Cargo Theft

As a truck driver, you are aware of the risks that cargo theft poses to your job and industry. According to CargoNet, an organization that tracks cargo security-related incidents, cargo thefts increased by 59% in the third quarter of 2021 in the U.S. and Canada alone. This rise is alarming and worrying about truck drivers, logistics companies, and various industries relying on the transportation of goods. In this blog, we will discuss the reasons behind the increasing incidence of cargo theft and how drivers can protect themselves and their cargo to minimize the risk of cargo theft.

The Reasons Behind the Increase in Cargo Theft

According to data from CargoNet, there has been a significant increase in «shipment misdirection» attacks, where actors use stolen identities of truckers and freight brokers to obtain freight that is then «misdirected». These strategic thefts have seen a 430% increase year over year, whereas fully loaded trailer thefts only saw an increase of 4%. This high increase means that a new focus is required to tackle the issue of cargo theft head-on.

Strategies To Protect Yourself and Your Cargo
  • Watch Out for Hot Spots
  • Pay Attention While Stopped
  • Know Who You Are Working With
  • Use of Security Technology
  • Communication Throughout the Supply Chain
  • Be Self Aware
  • Check The Blind Spots and Your Surroundings
  • Use Walkie-talkie to Communicate with Other Drivers

You can take several simple precautions, including never leaving cargo unattended, especially in areas where thieves are most likely to strike. You should ensure that your cargo is never compromised by using high-quality, tamper-evident seals that cannot be opened by thieves. Avoiding high-risk areas, such as those with high theft rates, will reduce the likelihood of damage or loss of your cargo.

Tech Solutions To Improve Cargo Security

To increase the security of your cargo, tech solutions like real-time tracking systems and cameras can be installed on your vehicles. These systems will enable you to monitor your cargo and drivers in real-time, thereby improving safety and reducing the risk of theft. Real-time tracking solutions also allow you to quickly identify a theft if it occurs, allowing you to contact appropriate authorities.

The Impact on the Trucking Industry

The trucking industry is the backbone of logistics and plays a critical role in the economy. Cargo theft impacts the industry in many ways, such as lost revenue for trucking companies, delays in delivery times, and increased insurance premiums. By understanding the impact of cargo theft, truck drivers can take steps to protect their cargo and reduce the impact on their industry.


As we continue to see a sharp rise in cargo theft across North America, the need to protect cargo increases. In addition to the increase in «shipment misdirection» attacks, there has also been a trend in targeting commodities like copper, brass, and aluminum, which are lucrative for thieves. There are several preventative measures that can be taken to protect your cargo, such as using tamper-evident sealing and real-time tracking systems. Truck drivers must understand the impact of cargo theft on their industry and take the necessary steps to protect their cargo to keep their deliveries safe and themselves safe. Working together with industry experts and cargo security companies will also help stem the rising trend of cargo theft.