Life Hacks

5 Life-Hacks for Truck Drivers (Try Them Today!)

As a truck driver, you are on the road for extended periods of time. This job can be challenging and monotonous. It's easy to become overwhelmed by the challenge of long drives and late nights, but with a few essential tips, you can make the ride more comfortable, safer, and fun. Whether you're a rookie or seasoned driver, in this blog post, we will share with you five life-hacks that will change your driving experience.

Emergency Snacks

As a trucker, healthy eating can be a tough task. You are either grabbing something off the road at fast food restaurants or gas stations. And most of the time, these meals can be unhealthy and high in calories. To avoid eating junk food or stopping every few miles to buy food, one smart move is keeping a stash of emergency snacks with you at all times, such as nuts, granola bars, fruits, or beef jerky. These items can be easily stored in your truck's cabin and can be lifesaving when you are struggling to find a healthy meal.

Shoot for 55 MPH

Speeding gives you that adrenaline rush, but it's not worth it. Hitting the accelerator consumes more fuel and can put you in danger. Instead, stick to the speed limit and try and maintain a consistent speed of 55 mph. Not only is this a safer speed, but it also helps reduce fuel consumption. Adopting this mindset will help you increase fuel efficiency, save money, and render a safer trucking experience.

Keep An Eye On Your Posture

Trucking can be tough on your body. You are sitting for hours, and you may experience back pain or neck pain. To avoid suffering from this pain, be sure to keep an eye on your posture while driving. Keep your shoulders back, and your core engaged to take the pressure off your back and neck. Additionally, invest in lumbar support for your seat, making it an easier riding experience for you. Take breaks and stretch when you can, as this will also help prevent fatigue while driving.

Use Toothpaste for Your Headlights

As night approaches, and you hit the highways, sometimes your headlights can lose their brightness and become foggy. To fix this issue, try cleaning your headlights with toothpaste; yes, you read it right! Apply toothpaste onto a cloth and work it around your headlights, and then wash your headlights with water until it's clean. It's a cheap, but extremely effective cleaning method, leaving your headlights crystal-clear.

Lighten Up Your Interior

Your truck's cabin should be a comfortable and lively place, be it due to long hauls, or spending an unexpected night somewhere. Adding some LED lights or colorful tape around your curtains or door frames can liven up your interior and make you feel more at home. You can add different colors or customize them according to your taste. Small changes like this will make you feel relaxed during those long drives, and it's an easy and inexpensive way to take your truck's cabin from bland to fabulous.


As a truck driver, you spend a considerable amount of your time on the road, striving to make every mile count. Implementing some of these tips will help improve your experience on the highway, making your drives smoother, safer and enjoyable. Follow these five hacks, and you'll thank yourself for it. Safe travels!