Industry Trends

Why Age Discrimination Shouldn’t Be Tolerated in the Trucking Industry

It’s no secret that trucking is an industry that heavily relies on experienced drivers. However, despite the obvious benefits of having a diverse age range in the workforce, age discrimination is still a common problem in the trucking industry. This discrimination not only affects older drivers, but it also creates a ripple effect that extends throughout the industry. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the negative impact of age discrimination in trucking and why it should be addressed.

The Value of Age Diversity

Experienced drivers are vital to the trucking industry, but that doesn’t mean that age diversity isn’t also important. Having drivers from different age groups can help bring new ideas and perspectives to the table. Older drivers are likely to have years of experience under their belt and can offer insight on how to improve safety measures. Younger drivers, on the other hand, may be more tech-savvy and can help implement new technologies to improve trucking operations. By discriminating against older drivers, the industry is missing out on the benefits of age diversity.

The Negative Impacts of Age Discrimination

Age discrimination can be harmful not only to older workers but to the entire industry. By creating a work environment that values youth over experience, it discourages older drivers from staying in the industry and contributing their years of knowledge and experience. This results in a shortage of skilled drivers in the workforce, which can lead to increased accident rates and reduced productivity.

The Legality of Age Discrimination

Age discrimination is illegal under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). However, some companies may use loopholes or other tactics to justify their discriminatory practices. Drivers who feel that they have been discriminated against because of their age should not hesitate to speak up or seek legal action. Employers who engage in age discrimination should be held accountable for their actions, and drivers should know their rights.

The Importance of Addressing Age Discrimination

The problem of age discrimination is not going away anytime soon unless something is done to address it. Trucking companies should be actively working to create a work environment that values experience and age diversity. This includes creating mentorship programs for new drivers, offering training programs for older drivers to stay current on new technologies, and creating policies that prohibit age discrimination. By addressing age discrimination, the industry can attract and retain skilled drivers of all ages and improve overall safety and productivity.

Steps to Address Age Discrimination in Trucking

To address age discrimination, trucking companies should take proactive steps such as:

  • Providing anti-discrimination training to all employees
  • Collecting data on employee demographics and identifying any disparities in employment practices
  • Offering training programs that focus on helping older drivers stay current on new technologies
  • Creating mentorship programs that pair younger and older drivers
  • Implementing policies that prohibit age discrimination and ensuring that complaints are taken seriously and handled appropriately


Age discrimination is a problem that affects not only older drivers but also the entire trucking industry. By valuing age diversity and creating policies that prohibit age discrimination, trucking companies can improve safety and productivity while retaining skilled drivers of all ages. It’s time for the industry to recognize the value of experienced drivers and to take steps to address this problem once and for all.