Life Hacks

Guide for Beating the Summer Heat

Beating Heat

Summer isn't just sunshine and clear skies for truck drivers. It comes loaded with new challenges to keep you fit and focused during those sun-baked hauls – things like heatwaves that could lead to dehydration or dizziness. Here, I’ll share some friendly advice to help my fellow drivers conquer the scorching summer roads like a pro.

Keeping Dizziness at Bay

Driving a big rig requires all your attention, but when the temperature rises, so does your chance of feeling off-balance. There are quite a few things that can cause you to feel dizzy, from not drinking enough water, to getting too much sun, to simply missing out on a good night's sleep.

Hydration Is Key

One of the simplest ways to fend off dizziness is to keep hydrated. And this isn't just about having water close by; it's about staying ahead of thirst – especially when temperatures soar. Skip the coffee and beer as they can dry you out, and maybe munch on some fruits or veggies to help keep your water levels topped up.

Plan Your Bites and Sips

When you hit the road, make sure you're not doing it on a full stomach. Give that hearty meal some time to settle before you're back behind the wheel. And keep that water bottle handy, taking small sips throughout the day to avoid dehydration.

Keep Your Cab Comfy

Our trucks are our second homes, and keeping the A/C purring is crucial during the dog days of summer. Regular checks will keep it blowing cold when you need it most. When you're parked or taking a pit stop without A/C, a little fan or a cooling towel might just save the day.

Rest Right

Taking breaks is not just a formality; it’s crucial for staying sharp and feeling good. Make sure your breaks are truly refreshing by picking spots away from the blazing sun where you can kick up your feet. A quick nap and a refreshing drink can be miraculous for beating the midday drowsiness.

Move a Little

Being cooped up in the cab all day is no fun, and it's not great for your health either. Try stretching your legs whenever you can take a break. A brisk walk around the rest area or some stretching can get the blood flowing. If you’re feeling stressed, a couple of deep breaths or a few moments of meditation can work wonders.

Know When to Stop

Even with all the right precautions, you might still feel a wave of dizziness on occasion. If that happens, don't push your luck – find a safe spot to pull over. And if this dizzy feeling is more like a regular thing, it might be time to talk with a doctor.

Staying on top of things like hydration, rest, and managing stress can make all the difference in keeping your summer driving safe and enjoyable. Take care of yourself out there, and happy trucking!